The Lincoln Laureates

Samuel K. Skinner - Answering The Call

Episode Summary

From the age of seven, Samuel K. Skinner knew he wanted to be be a lawyer. He dreamed of guiding people through the legal system, like his hero Abraham Lincoln. During this episode of the Lincoln Laureates, we’ll hear the story of a leader who brought the “Illinois Way” to our nation’s capital. In Washington D.C., Sam Skinner was often called the “Boy Scout” for his sense of ethics and integrity. Mr. Skinner is, in fact, an Eagle Scout who spent his formative years in Springfield. As President George H.W. Bush’s Secretary of Transportation, he became known as the “Master of Disaster” for his leadership following the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, and Hurricane Hugo, among other crises. Listen and you'll learn how Mr. Skinner 'answered the call.' Our guest host for this Lincoln Laureates conversation is award-winning broadcast journalist, Chris Bury.