The Lincoln Laureates

Jerry Reinsdorf - Being True To Your Word

Episode Summary

During this episode of the Lincoln Laureates, we’ll hear from the son of a sewing machine salesman, with a deep passion for sports. This boy from Brooklyn has made Illinois his home for more than six decades. Jerry Reinsdorf’s journey has taken him from tax attorney to real estate investor, to seven-time champion as the owner of the Chicago White Sox and the Chicago Bulls. In this conversation, he uncovers the myth that centers on "breaking up" the Bulls dynasty. When the Chicago White Sox won the World Series in 2005, Mr. Reinsdorf became one of only three owners to claim world titles in two different sports. His philanthropy has funded reading programs across the entire Chicago Public School system, and provided more than $2 million dollars to reconstruct the Chicago Park District’s baseball and softball fields. Jerry Reinsdorf is a graduate of George Washington University and the Northwestern University School of Law. He received the Order of Lincoln Medallion in 1997. Our guest host for this Lincoln Laureates conversation is award-winning broadcast journalist, Chris Bury.